On the Grind
For sprint two we were going to tackle the design and manufacturing of the bean grinding stage as well as polishing up our past work. More specifically, we wanted to have a motor powering the bean grinder, a system of measuring out the correct amount of beans, a means of transferring the grounds to the filter, and a sensor that will read bean level and tell the user when they need to refill it.
Motor-Driven GrinderFor sprint two we were going to tackle the design and manufacturing of the bean grinding stage as well as polishing up our past work. More specifically, we wanted to have a motor powering the bean grinder, a system of measuring out the correct amount of beans, a means of transferring the grounds to the filter, and a sensor that will read bean level and tell the user when they need to refill it.
Lever ArmOur initial idea for weighing out the correct amount of grounds was a lever arm that would tip when filled with 22g. When it tipped it would disconnect a magnet switch, telling the grinder it could stop grinding. We made good progress on the lever and had the electronics completely functional.