Gwyn Phelps
Gwyn plans to become a mechanical engineer, and went into this project hoping to improve her skills with mechanical design-especially designing for cost and aesthetic. She enjoys welding and putting entirely too many decorations up in her room. Gwyn has a soft spot in her heart for cacti, specifically the saguaro cactus.
Duncan Hall
Duncan is a sophomore studying Engineering with computing, and is always on the hunt for knowledge about how Arduinos communicate. He is also a die-hard Maineiac and loves to contra and swing dance and once starred as Lord Farquaad in his high school's production of Shrek: The Musical. Duncan finds inspiration for his projects in his dead flower collection.
March Saper
March checked the box which said Electrical and Computer Engineering, so she supposes that's her major. When asked to describe herself she said she is a "last minute dog lover" and that "that can be interpreted however you see fit." March's learning goals were to take ownership of an electrical subsystem design and to gain some familiarity with embedded programming. She's really enjoyed working on this project since she wanted more plants in her life. Specifically, she wanted more spider plants but she's quite happy with Thai peppers instead.
Andrew Holmes
Andrew is an unbeleafably passionate mechanical engineering student who knows how to get to the root of a problem. His passion for STEM began in his days as a budding engineer's club student in middle school. His teachers planted the seeds of inspiration and he wooden be at Olin without them. His favorite plant is the venus fly trap. His learning goals included learning more about mechanical design with a focus on integrated systems, designing a product with a high degree of finish, and developing teaming strategies around specific sub-teams.
Emma Price
Emma is your typical Capricorn, ambitious, cautious and conservative. She is currently pursing a degree in Engineering with Computing, with a focus on eating candy. When not working hard making an amazing aeroponic system, she can be found in the ceramics studio. Her learning goals coming into this project were to better understand how systems interact. She thinks that she has done a good job of this so far, but definitely has more to learn. Emma favorite plants are hydrengas and she does not believe in eating flora of any kind.