KEVIN SUZUKI Kevin Suzuki is the Product Manager and has helped work on the Mechanical team. He helped organize tasks, take charge of finances, and was in charge of the fabrication of the mechanical system.
MAOR BERNSTEIN Maor Bernstein has worked on the Mechanical, and Computer Sub-teams. He designed the Physics Prediction algorithm, and worked on adding predictability to the mechanical system.
PIL HUN CHOI Pil Hun Choi has worked as a Programmer & Web Designer. He mainly developed the Open CV tracking system for the Pong Bot.
BONJUN GU Bonjun Gu has worked on open CV detecting, launch calculation, and motor control code. He also helped in Web Designing.
JACOB RIEDEL Jacob Riedel has designed the integrated Mechanical and Electrical systems. He fabricated many of the parts and worked on overall product design.
FELIX KLINGER Felix Klinger was responsible for helping with the design and fabrication of the mechanical system. He was also in charge of ordering supplies.
For more information, contact Kevin Suzuki at