Mass Breakout from Azkaban

In one of the most ominous events of 2014, five of Azkaban's most dangerous wizards and witches escaped, the first breakout of this scale since the one associated with the return of You-Know-Who. These five were associated with the College of the Phoenix, a little known but immensely powerful group on the forefront of wizardly (engineering) education. Their last known whereabouts were somewhere near Needham, MA, USA, code location 'AC 306.' The most recent of their plans was to bring the popular game of Wizard's Chess to Muggles through mechanical, electrical, and programming wizardry. (Additionally, they have overtaken the Daily Prophet headquarters and appointed themselves chief editors of this pamphlet.)

Tatiana Anthony
Mechanical Magician
Paragon of printing, tamer of tensioners, commander of CAD, and goddess of game pieces, Tatiana helped to bring Wizard’s Chess into the physical realm. It was almost as though the pieces had apparated out of her screen and onto our table! At least, that’s what we would have believed if they hadn’t shown up in the 3D printer in a puff of Floo Powder. In her spare time, Tatiana enjoys creating beautiful tones with her vocal cords, being mistaken for an incredibly tall Smurf, and teaching others her magical Mech:E ways.

Haley Pelletier
Python Parseltongue
One of very few Hufflepuffs known to possess the ability, Haley whispered in parseltongue to bring the pieces to life. In fact, it is still unclear if they are moving based on any sort of logic, or simply out of fear of the Python that she has unleashed upon them. Regardless, she takes much pleasure in controlling the lives of her tiny, plastic minions. When she is not speaking in strange tongues, this E:C can be found rolling around in her ball pit, jamming on her plastic instruments, and, most likely, ordering pizza.

Raagini Rameshwar
Sorceress of Sounds
Player of pianos, writer of codes, wearer of onesies, and maker of smiles, Raagini was our voice recognition magician. Being the enchanting ECE that she is, handling all aspects of verbal player input and the interpretation thereof was no problem for her. She knows her way around ALSA and sound cards like the Marauder’s Map knows its way around Hogwarts. Got something to say? Raagini hears you, loud and clear. And so does her microphone. No. Really.

Toni Saylor
Physics Phoenix
Do you know how to build a two-axis gantry? No? Well, neither did Toni when we started this project. But now, she could build one whenever, wherever, and with whatever supplies are available. Two pens, three paperclips, and a snail? Toni’s got it. She already built the gantry while you weren’t looking. Impressed? You should be. When she’s not busy being a resourceful and efficient Mech:E extraordinaire, Toni can be found making delicious food, taking a nap in her hammock, or teaching small children how to become as cool as she is.

Michael Sheets
Electrical Enchanter
A Bio:E just trying to find his way in this world, Michael handled the closest thing we had to a living creature: the circuit. Motor shields, transistors, heat sinks, and all, he was the squishy brains behind the operation. By contrast, he also handled most of the firmware. When he’s not driving motors or feeding current to electromagnets, Michael can often be found in the Bio lab poking at strange things, in his room making yummy tea and waffles, or on the blues floor and/or with bees. He also had a lot of fun putting hidden content on this website. ;)