Sprint 1 Recap

Welcome! We are Lab 1015, and we now 2 weeks into our voice-controlled battle bots journey. Here’s an overview of what we’ve done so far:
Before we were Lab 1015, we were just a group of engineering students who like eating dim sum. To figure out what we wanted to create together, we first came up with some overarching project goals:
- Make use of technology in new and interesting ways
- Create something with a “wow factor”
- Do something with technical challenges
- Make a product that people want to use and is aesthetic
The Plan
This 8 week project is split into four 2-week sprints, and we have a sprint-review with our class at the end of each sprint. To keep track of tasks, we maintain a Trello Board with a list of “To-do”, “Doing”, “Done”, and “Admin” cards. We also hold daily scrum meetings on days that we don't have class.
Sprint 1 Outcomes
So far, we've established how we want to function as a team, created an integrated, independent, functional prototype, and completed some preliminary user research