Final Sprint & Demo Day

After Sprint 3, all we needed to complete was the final sprint- actual sprint, not Sprint Review. By this we mean that we had one week to finish our final product before demo day.
"Sprint 4"
We didn't technically have a Sprint 4, but the week leading up to Demo Day we put in a lot of hours.. mostly debugging.
Our robots were finicky, and it was caused by many different things. Our batteries were connected in series, and not in parallel, our IR LEDs were frying because of short-circuiting and our Bluetooth was just not responsive. We managed to solve the first two problems before demo day, but not the last.
We also implemented singing into our robot, which was cute !
Demo Day
The day before demo day, our robots were still finicky, but we decided that we would not do any good after 2am, and that's when we called it quits.
On Demo Day, everyone was very supportive and halfway through our robots became less finicky and playable! We have a compilation of videos from Demo Day on our Youtube channel to prove it.