The System

Our team went to great lengths to create an Enigma machine visualization while considering safety concerns


In order to create the full electrical system, the team went from the seemingly simple idea of utilizing electroluminescent wire to display the encryption process to designing multiple PCBs and spending countless hours troubleshooting issues with the electrical contacts and constructing the whole electrical system. Learn more


To provide a similar feel to the original Enigma machine, the mechanical subsystem worked to preserve many aspects of the original machine. In order to ensure consistency and allow for integration with the rest of the system, the team provided its own takes on many aspects of the machine. Learn more


Though the original machine obviously contained no software component, we found it important to bring the machine into the 21st century with software. Though the software component remained minimal, it allowed seemingly isolated elements of our system to interact with one another. Learn more


After numerous difficulties keeping our budget reasonable, we ended up only slightly over budget.

Product Budget

Name Description Price
EL Wire Light up wire that makes up the bulk of our visualization 63.00
Plugboard Components Cable, audio jacks, and PCBs used to make plugboard 90.00
Powerboard Components PCBs, relays and Mux used to power the EL wire 70.00
Electrical Contacts Electrical components for making contact between rotors 60.00
Hardboard Main material of our physical product 37.00

Even though we went slightly over budget, we made significant efforts to cut costs from our projected budget. By finding cheaper components, making our own plugboard wires, and using a more cost effective building material, we were able to land closer to the goal of $250.

Initial Projected Budget

Name Description Price
EL Wire Light up wire that makes up the bulk of our visualization 140.00
Plugboard Components Cable, audio jacks, and PCBs used to make plugboard 110.00
Powerboard Components PCBs, relays and Mux used to power the EL wire 70.00
Electrical Contacts Electrical components for making contact between rotors 135.00
Acrylic Sheet Original material for rotors and housing 100.00