A collection of pictures documenting the progress of our project
The video above is of our first sprint Braille character. This was our first time making our own solenoids. We were able to hard code the word "potato" and have the character display the word in Braille one letter at a time.
This is our second sprint encasing and latch mechanism. The black box contains six solenoids (see Electrical page) and the green box contains six pen latch mechanisms (see Mechanical page). The solenoids successfully activated a set of pins which controlled the latches above them.
Above is a test circuit, using LEDs instead of solenoids, showing our working code for multiple Braille characters and refreshing to the next set of characters.
As each pin's solenoid demanded 4A and - although our big power source provided 20A - our 12V power source could only power 5A, we were only able to get one pin to activate at a time.